Saturday, December 5, 2009

An End To A Great Season

My boating season started this year on April 17th on a beautiful sunny and warm April afternoon. The ice was still in and in spite of my best judgment I strapped on the wakeboard and went for the first ride of the year on Lake Muskoka. Yes the Water Was cold at a not so balmy 1 degree Celsius but it was great to get back out on the water after a long, cold and very snowy winter and well worth the lack of feeling left in my toes.

After the longest boating season I have ever had personally you can flash forward almost eight months later on December 5. As Muskoka receives its first real blast of winter weather I put on my winter coat, touque, gloves and a pair of ski goggles, brushed the snow off the boat and head out for a trip across the lake to Pride of Muskoka and back for what I can only assume will be my final boat ride of the 2009 boating season. It is a far cry from that beautiful day in April with my anticipation of the coming season and the warm and sunny days of July and August to boating in December in Muskoka which is a very different experience. It is almost serine as you are the only boat on the lake running along the snow covered shoreline. It feels as though you should be on a snowmobile and not in a boat. Although I am saddened that I’ve been out on my last boat ride of the 2009 season, I’m glad that I live in such an amazing part of our country and that I have the opportunity to spend so much time on the water, and I’m excited for next year, who knows maybe I’ll be able to get out there on April 16th.

See You on the Water.

1 comment:

  1. Wow!! I can't believe you went wakeboarding in April. That must have been quite the experience.
